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Derma Eco Body Oil (150 ml) 有機植萃護膚撫紋油
Treat yourself to extra home wellness during your pregnancy 孕期安在家中如何對自己好一點
A pregnancy is an ideal occasion to have our routines looked at at the seams.Because in a little while you will be standing with a small child in your arms, and then it is important to have something that is only yours and that you can do for yourself to recharge and find peace.So start already during pregnancy to make your mornings calmer, so that you tackle the day in a good way.It is important for both you and your child that you feel well.For example, anoint your body with oil after the bath, while the skin is still damp, and give yourself time to massage the oil in thoroughly, while your thoughts are free for a while.That way, you can start both the day and soon your new life as a mother by being fully present in the present.
Derma Baby Oil寶寶有機按摩浴油 (150 ml)
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DermaPharm A/S - Who are we
At DermaPharm, we develop and produce clean, effective quality care products that take the environment and health into account.Today, DermaPharm is the innovative market leader in mild, environmentally friendly skin care in Scandinavia and has won several awards for our certified skin care products.