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  • 敏弱肌濕疹專業護理系列 Derma-knowlogy+

    DermaKnowlogy - hypoallergenic skin care for sensitive skin DermaKnowlogy is an allergy-friendly... 

  • 寶寶有機系列- BABY SERIES

    Derma Eco Baby "給寶寶最安全的有機和低過敏護理" 我們的孩子們應該得到最溫柔、最純淨、最有保護力的寶寶護理。這就是我們開發Derma Eco Baby的原因。這是一系列完全安全、適合嬰幼兒的產品,可以溫和而有效地滋養您的孩子的皮膚、頭髮和頭皮,不含任何香水香精及其他有害的化學物質。實際上,我們盡可能使用更少量的成分。而我們採用的每種成分都根據嚴格的要求進行精心選擇,以確保過您寶寶致敏風險降到最低。 Derma Eco Baby已經被歐洲Ecocert認證為有機產品,並獲得Nordic Swan Ecolabel認證,和AllergyCertified認證,更加並被Asthma... 

  • 大地女仕系列- Derma Eco Women

    Derma Eco 系列 專為那些想要脱離香水香精、干擾荷爾蒙成份和其他不必要化學物質的您而設,我們的DERMA ECO系列是專門為想擁有抗氧化劑和活性成分以呵護、滋養和柔軟皮膚的人所創造。 該系列獲得了有機認證、純素認證、無過敏認證和環保認證,同時還看起來很漂亮,如果放在浴室看到充滿北歐氣息,即時精神抖擻起來啦! Derma Eco 的所有產品都獲得了 Ecocert COSMOS 的有機認證和... 

  • 家庭系列- Family Series

    Derma Family: Allergy-friendly skin care for the whole family 0% unnecessary chemicals... 

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100%無香味| 有機植萃成分|無動物實驗| 歐洲五項國際認證| 無香料酒精及已知過敏源最適合孕期產後及術後護理的您 @derma_official

Skin care pregnant - good choices for you 孕期護膚 - 適合您的好選擇

Thank you for being critical – for your sake and the baby's!

As a critical consumer, you can confidently choose Derma for your skin care routine. The Derma range consists of pure, certified perfume-free products without hormone-disrupting substances, so you can take good care of yourself, your future child and the rest of the family.

感謝您對產品的嚴選 - 為了您自己和寶寶的健康!作為一位精明的消費者,您可以放心地選擇Derma的護膚產品系列。Derma產品系列均為純淨、通過歐盟及國際認證不含香料的產品,沒有干擾荷爾蒙物質,因此您可以好好照顧自己、你即將出生的寶寶和成長中孩子和家人的健康。

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Treat yourself to extra home wellness during your pregnancy 孕期安在家中如何對自己好一點

A pregnancy is an ideal occasion to have our routines looked at at the seams.Because in a little while you will be standing with a small child in your arms, and then it is important to have something that is only yours and that you can do for yourself to recharge and find peace.So start already during pregnancy to make your mornings calmer, so that you tackle the day in a good way.It is important for both you and your child that you feel well.For example, anoint your body with oil after the bath, while the skin is still damp, and give yourself time to massage the oil in thoroughly, while your thoughts are free for a while.That way, you can start both the day and soon your new life as a mother by being fully present in the present.


  • 10 tips for safe play in the sun

    10 tips for safe play in the sun

    l children enjoy playing outside in the sun and heat, and staying in the sun is both healthy and pleasant, but too much sun can cause sunburn. And once the skin...

    10 tips for safe play in the sun

    l children enjoy playing outside in the sun and heat, and staying in the sun is both healthy and pleasant, but too much sun can cause sunburn. And once the skin...

Certified skin care from Derma - a safe choice

It should be easy to choose healthy and safe skin care


Allergy-friendly skin care without perfume from Derma

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DermaPharm A/S - Who are we

At DermaPharm, we develop and produce clean, effective quality care products that take the environment and health into account.Today, DermaPharm is the innovative market leader in mild, environmentally friendly skin care in Scandinavia and has won several awards for our certified skin care products.

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